Early morning snuggles & giggles
Taking my oldest on a yard-sale "adventure"
Blueberry muffins and iced cold lattes
Finding treasures just for us in the rain
Watching his heart buying gifts for others
Joy in being a family
A hot tub big enough for all of us and our memories
Putting off busyness to simply play
An easy lunch of grilled cheese & diet cokes
Naptimes...oh, glorious naptimes! :-)
Heart to heart talks with the love of my life
Thunder and lightning between the clouds and sun
Lazy Saturday afternoons at home
The pitter-patter of little feet down the hall
Binkys and tickles
Bath time and bubbles; jammies and bedtime stories
Food and shelter and love and blessings
The nudging from the Holy Spirit to drink it all in today
and to treasure these moments
of JOY.
love this! Thanks for the many reminders of why we are so blessed everyday! I just found your blog ~ Thanks for sharing your heart --- You know I'm praying for you and I'm super excited to see what our GREAT BIG GOD will do for you and your family on the road ahead!!