Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today was my appointment with my midwife and just wanted to give everyone an update.  I've been having contractions (on and off) but pretty regular since this past Saturday.  At one point on Saturday they were every 5 min. and this lasted for about 45 min.  Then, on Sunday they seemed less frequent, Monday during dinner I had another 1/2 hour or so at regular intervals and then yesterday, not much. So it seems to be an every other day kind of thing for me.  Of course, I know that this is all just "warm up" for the big event, but I am grateful to be contracting so early! Hopefully (Lord willing) this will help to make my true labor shorter! HA!
Anyway, Ronni did check me today and said that part (the first part) of my cervix is 1 cm, but not the whole cervix.  She actually whipped out some playdoh and made a fake cervix out of it to demonstrate! Jeff's comment afterward was, "I've seen too much...." :-))  
Of course, being only 1cm (sort of) is not much, but in my's something!!  To me, it means I'm not imagining things and we're starting to gear up!  Yea!  
I'll officially be 38 weeks on Friday (in 2 days), but as a comparison, I had M at 39wks, 1 day.  I also don't remember having so many "practice" contractions before going into labor with him.  Sooooooo, it may be anytime now!
Keep us in your prayers! 

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