This picture is a couple of weeks old, but I wanted to share our "Monster Jam" experience. M is totally into watching the big trucks on TV with Daddy and was sooooo excited to find out that we were going to go see them live in Philly. Daddy made sure we had the ear plugs, we invited some of our other friends with small boys and off we went! Needless to say, even with lots of prep of reminding M how loud the trucks were going to be (he was telling everyone "yeah, they goin' to be REALLY loud!) this picture says it all. Total sensory overload!! :-) The loud noise, the smell, the flashing lights...the heights!! it was all a little too much for him and he spent the first 3o min. not too sure about the experience. We had a hard time getting his earplugs to stay in and eventually we put the hood of his jacket up to help hold them in. After that, he wouldn't let us take it off! I was SWEATING with him sitting in my lap with his big, winter coat on, but he would NOT let it go! :-) So funny... Eventually, believe it or not, he FELL ASLEEP! (As you can see below). Too bad since he missed the most exciting parts! Better luck next time I guess :-)

Instant Pot Christmas Roast
7 years ago
How precious! Poor thing...he was so excited too. I can't wait to hug him soon. xoxo