Sorry for the long break between has been pretty busy with two kids! :)
Since my last post here's a run down of what we've been up to:
- H has been growing like a weed!! At birth he was 7lb 3oz. At 6 days old he was 7lb 2oz (they give babies 2 wks to get back to birth weight). At 10 days old he was 7lb 12oz (that's 10 oz in 5 days!) and at 29 days (or one month) he was 9lb 2oz!!! I think he might just be our chunky-monkey! :-)
Two weeks after H's birth my in-laws came into town and spent several days with us. We traveled with a 3 yr. old and newborn (no small task) and did a day trip to the Jersey shore with them.
- Jeff attended his first Nascar race in Dover, DE on May 31st with his Dad. They had a blast! Jeff's cousin, Brian, produces one of the Radio programs for Motor Racing Network and was able to get Jeff into the pits and even in the pre-race driver's meeting. He was only feet away from many of the drivers. Pretty exciting for him!
- H attended his first service at Fellowship on Father's Day and we celebrated the day by taking Jeff and my Dad out to Lonestar Steak House.
M has been working on his swimming skills and loves to jump into the pool at the Y!!
- I celebrated my 31st birthday!! We went out to dinner with my Dad and our friends, Ben and Courtney and had a great time throwin' down some mean BBQ at Famous Dave's. I LOVE me some Famous Dave's brisket! Mmmm...
- Jeff, myself and "the boys" (I just love saying that!) went on our annual RV trip to the Jersey shore the last week of June. We have a campground that we LOVE going to that's not too far from Sea Isle City, NJ. It has a man-made lake, paddle-boats, fishing pond, playground, pool, kiddie-pool, club house, putt-putt course, supply store and ice cream shop! And to top it off, it's only miles from the ocean!

This was our 3rd year going and it's always a lot of fun. We also went to the Cape May Zoo and for a walk down the Sea Isle boardwalk, got ice cream, made S'mores, enjoyed our campfires and went out to dinner a couple of nights. I have to say though, that this year was probably the most stressful, but believe it or not it was M who was the most difficult! We've skipped the terrible twos and have plunged head-first into the terrible threes!! You can check out our family pics from our vacation by clicking on the "Family Photo Albums" under "Links" on the right.
- My Mom was finally able to make the move up to DE and my parents moved into their new apartment this past Saturday!! Yeah, they're here!!
- Unfortunately, I returned to work this past Monday. Although I'm very grateful for my job, my heart aches to be home with my children...

Well, that pretty much catches you up on our household for the last 6 weeks. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July celebrating the wonderful freedoms we enjoy!!